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Faculty of Engineering



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The previous 35 years have seen a remarkable advancement in molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, cell metabolism, basic engineering, and materials science, all of which have contributed to the development of bioengineering. It has become a new field of study that studies living systems and their issues by applying biological methods and engineering concepts. Bioengineers play a significant part in biological advancements, ranging from cell synthesis to deciphering the origin of life. The designation of bioengineer is conferred upon graduates of this curriculum.

The goal of the undergraduate bioengineering program is to use biological systems and processes to create new technologies. Through internships, students acquire the fundamental concepts of engineering and learn how to analyze biological processes and data from the viewpoint of an engineer. By adhering to the graduate program designated for students have the opportunity to deepen their understanding and engage in research projects that allow them to solve real-world issues.


The goal of the undergraduate bioengineering program is to leverage biological systems and processes to create new technologies. Students who take major science courses in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and materials science along with major engineering courses in thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, genetics, molecular biology, metabolism, cell physiology and biochemistry, bioprocess engineering, neurobiology, and immunology throughout their four years of study establish a link between the major and applied sciences.

The majority of the four-year curriculum's courses combine lab work and tutorial hours. Students are required to participate in summer training at the conclusion of their second and third years of school, which gives them the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge.


Graduates of the Bioengineering program can pursue a variety of careers, including genetic analysis, cytological biological toxicity testing, biological production processes, designing and selecting appropriate reactor and separation/purification equipment, developing and producing biological material testing, and producing diagnostic kits. After completing the Bioengineering Undergraduate Program, students will have employment options in a variety of industries, such as the pharmaceutical and environmental sectors, as well as in clinics and hospitals.

Careers in the fields of genetic diagnosis and treatment centers, vaccine manufacturing facilities, military establishments, and the R&D divisions of various food and beverage companies are also feasible. Factories that produce drugs, energy sources, and biochemical materials like enzymes and biopolymers for the creation of biologically compatible products are also viable career options. Recently, the importance of bioengineers has grown, opening up the discussion of nations' bio-economies.


Sherbrooke International University Admissions Office, B Block, Campus


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